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Family Doctors

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There are many family doctors in Germany, who want to go into retirement and do not find successors for their practices. We provide support and advice to specialists in general practice who want to start their own medical practices in Germany. We will find a suitable, profitable medical practice for you, organise the financing and acquisition and support you with all other necessary formalities.
If you do not have the necessary German skills yet, you can attend our special language courses for physicians. Upon request, we will organise a practical training period. Moreover, prior to the acquisition you will have the opportunity to collaborate with the previous practice owner, in order to familiarize yourself with all processes. Our extensive experience has already helped many foreign physicians to successful acquire a medical practice in Germany! We work exclusively on a contingency fee basis, so you do not assume any financial risk. In some areas, you will receive subvention for the price of the practice and medical equipment.

Here are some impressions of two family doctors who took over, with our help, private practices in Germany:

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P. Teodorovici 10.06.2022
V. Petronela 10.06.2022
G. Nutescu 10.06.2022